Meet the team

Adriana Balentine
Wise Warrior Retreats Owner & Visionary 

  • Medicine: A mental health and trauma specialist, Adriana has transcended her own journey of complex illness to birth her mission of deeply rooted connections, collaboration and community. She holds a vision of the transformative power of healing containers, and the essential integration process that follows these life-changing experiences. She sees the potent possibilities when we commit to doing our own work. For ourselves, for the collective and for our planet. 

Bre Wolta
Partner Connections Manager + Integration Facilitator

  • Medicine: As a connector and self-development enthusiast, Bre pours her gifts of organizing and leadership into planning our retreat as well as utilizing her innate ability to hold safe space to lead guests through finding clarity within. It is her deep honor and calling to help people wake up to their life and change their default patterning. Her calming energy and wisdom helps guests soothe their tightly wound nervous system, untether from past versions of themselves, and reawaken to their true Self essence. 

Hannah Kinderlehrer
Movement Medicine + Holistic Somatic Coach

  • Medicine: Hannah believes in living life through the wisdom of the body and true belonging to the Earth and each other. She has birthed a magic elixir for falling in love with life that is comprised of expressive movement, community and holding an unconditionally accepting space infused with irreverent humor. 

    Hannah has spent her entire life traveling around the world, through spiritual communities, Shamanic work, therapy, beautiful landscapes, retreats, and more - all in search of belonging. This journey and it’s fruition has led her to offer Holistic Coaching, women’s groups, workshops, dance, and more, to facilitate all of our true, unconditional connection to ourselves, each other, and all beings of Mama Earth- through true belonging. 

    She is a certified Hakomi Practitioner, embodied meditation teacher, founder of Awaken the Dance with over 15 trained teachers, and leader of multiple workshop and group formats. Hannah knows beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you, yes, you, belong.

White Raven - “Sanken Soi”

  • Raven has recently founded the Botanic Entheogenesis program, an online leadership program, mentoring leaders of a new wave of entheogenic practitioners who desire to walk with integrity and grounded spirituality.

    Her Grandmother plant lineages are Peruvian Mestizo and Shiphibo. The Mestizo was originated with Don Solon Tello. Shiphibo through two families: Luzmila Mori Diaz & currently Olga Mori Diaz "Senen Jisbe", & Don Gilberto Mahua and Catalina Mahua.

    Her grandfather plant lineages are of Andean Huachuma and are mestizo/Quechua through various mentors. The “Holy Children” have guided me through many moments of challenge, and they are direct and wise teachers. I have also worked extensively with many traditional plant entheogens through the jungle dieta processes in the Amazon.

    She has led around 20 group healing journeys in Peru and to the Amazon, as a way to connect people whenever possible directly with the lineages. To support practitioners of these ways she began offering Integration Coaching in 2014. Informal mentorship has been one of her offerings through Entheogenic practices for over a decade.

    Her life’s work is to reflect creative empowerment, lead by example, and listen deeply to the Pachamama. Love, Light, Healing and “Highest and Best” is the overarching prayer and intention behind all. Her service is born out of the deepest gratitude for the Healing and Holding that has been given to her.

Marie Luna

  • Marie Luna grew up in the Southwestern United States, amidst the majestic peaks of the Rocky Mountains, and the canyon labyrinths of the Southwest deserts. She has lived and worked in the Four Corners for most of her life. She has a mixed ancestral background.

    She has studied plant medicine for 40 years. She studied herbalism and midwifery and worked as a midwife and hospice nurse assistant throughout the 80s and 90s. She has also lived in Mexico, where she studied pre-colonial culinary techniques and recipes. She completed psychotherapy school in the 90s, and paired this with a bodywork and somatic release practice. Trauma resolution became a passion of hers during this time.

    She has worked tirelessly to highlight and garner respect for indigenous healers and their medicines and ecosystems in Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Peru. She has organized internationally for healers, artisans, and permaculturists from indigenous and mestizo communities.

    She has spent the past 30 years of her life learning the ways of plant medicines in Central America and South America with indigenous and mestizo teachers and guides. She has completed numerous plant dietas in Peru. Her facilitation style draws from many decades of study spent in ceremony with Medicine people from the Dineh and Ute Nations, the Amazonians Don Agustin Rivas Vasquez, Jorge Gonzalez, and Maria Cristina Mendoza Vidal, and members of the Peruvian Quechua, Inka, Bora Bora and Shipibo Nations.

    It is supremely important to Marie that safety in set and setting be created and maintained throughout the ceremony retreat process. Of particular interest to Marie is safety and welcome for womxn-identified people, queer-identified people, members of the trans community, and BIPOC participants in ceremony.

    Before you start thinking that Marie is ancient, she wants you to know that she started learning and studying healing at a young age! However, all of our ancestors' imprints are within technically we are ancient wise beings. Marie would like to help you clear your mind, heart and spirit so that you may see how unique and amazing you truly are!

Jonathan Salas

  • The plant lineage I am working with is Shipibo: Olga Díaz Mori "Senen Jisbe", & Don Gilberto Mahua. Since living in Cusco for almost 14 years, I have spent much time communing with the mountains, nature, and walking with the grandfather medicines. Showing up in the space as a guardian and support is an honor for me.

    ​I've dedicated the last 14 years of my life to being an artisan, working with precious and semi-precious stones and creating items and jewelry with macrame technique. My passions include creating music, canine behavior and training, and a dedication to constant learning and self-improvement. I greatly appreciate working with men in group settings, and have supported 5 group healing journeys in Peru and to the Amazon in the last 2 years. Currently, I am in the process of founding a non profit for the purpose of creating a long term sustainable support for Andean Cultural practices.

    Mi propósito es llevar paz, alegria a todos lugares donde voy. También de tener confianza y estar abierto a la vida y todo lo que puede ofrecer. Mi disponibilidad es como conectar a mis compañeros/as, el mundo, las plantas, los animales - con todo lo que representa "vida".  Ofrezco con gratitude mi tiempo y dones a estar del servicio de todo lo que representa "Vida”.

Drea Marrero

  • Drea is a leader, entrepreneur, certified nutritionist, private chef, and tasteful curator of medicine experiences. As a creative force and owner of Panacea, a line of tasty psilocybin infused superfood products, Drea lives her purpose in assisting people in healing themselves through the use of psychedelic mushrooms and other plant medicines.

Jen Sutton
Guest Communications

  • Medicine: After spending over two decades as a mental health and addiction professional, Jen has formed a genuine respect for each person's unique Hero’s Journey.

    She believes that our deepest fear is to be seen - and rejected. Her “medicine” lies in her genuine ability to witness, honor, encourage, and celebrate our most hidden and protected shadow-aspects in order to be accepted and integrated. She sees our human experience as simultaneously a painful and spectacularly beautiful portal for growth and evolution.

    It is Jen’s greatest joy to participate as a soul ally on this path, wherever we find ourselves. Creating supportive, comfortable, safe and healthy spaces for transformative experiences to unfold is her passion.